[s3ql] documentation of authinfo2 file
Casey Stone
2018-10-02 16:04:04 UTC

The authinfo2 file seems to be of some importance, being mentioned several
times in the documentation at http://www.rath.org/s3ql-docs/.

However, I don't see any help in an admin/user creating this file; I don't
see the syntax of this file documented anywhere. I found an eight year old
post on askubuntu but I think that may have been out of date.

I succeeded (I think) in creating a file system mkfs.s3ql without making an
authinfo2 file, hoping that process might create the file with correct
syntax, but it seems to not have.

If you could please provide the syntax I should use to create my authinfo2
file for an s3-compatible storage backend I would appreciate that.

If I'm totally wrong here, I apologise in advance, but I suggest adding
sample authinfo2 files for all supported backends to the documentation. I
can note, I installed the s3ql Ubuntu 18_04 package and it installs some
folders in /usr/share/doc but mostly those folders are empty -- certainly
no additional information is available by installing the package.

I look forward to using your software. Thank you!
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Cliff Stanford
2018-10-02 16:07:06 UTC
Post by Casey Stone
However, I don't see any help in an admin/user creating this file; I
don't see the syntax of this file documented anywhere. I found an eight
year old post on askubuntu but I think that may have been out of date.

Cliff Stanford
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Casey Stone
2018-10-02 16:14:24 UTC
Ah, silly me. Thanks Cliff. In my defence, I searched for authinfo2 (in the
search sidebar on the docs home page) and if one does that, the page you
referenced does not show in the search results.

So, I guess now my suggestion is to update the references to authinfo file
to authinfo2 file, since that is the current correct name for the file. ;-)
Post by Casey Stone
The authinfo2 file seems to be of some importance, being mentioned several
times in the documentation at http://www.rath.org/s3ql-docs/.
However, I don't see any help in an admin/user creating this file; I don't
see the syntax of this file documented anywhere. I found an eight year old
post on askubuntu but I think that may have been out of date.
I succeeded (I think) in creating a file system mkfs.s3ql without making
an authinfo2 file, hoping that process might create the file with correct
syntax, but it seems to not have.
If you could please provide the syntax I should use to create my authinfo2
file for an s3-compatible storage backend I would appreciate that.
If I'm totally wrong here, I apologise in advance, but I suggest adding
sample authinfo2 files for all supported backends to the documentation. I
can note, I installed the s3ql Ubuntu 18_04 package and it installs some
folders in /usr/share/doc but mostly those folders are empty -- certainly
no additional information is available by installing the package.
I look forward to using your software. Thank you!
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